I have wanted braces for so long now, and I've wanted them since I was a teenager, but my mom always gave me some type of run-around about them so I wouldn't pressure her about it. Well at 22 (I am now 23), I decided enough was enough because I was tired of hiding my smile. Also, every now and then I would grind my teeth while I slept, which put pressure on my crooked teeth, so I always woke up sore.
I got my braces as a Christmas gift in December 2009 (the date was actually 12/24/09). However, before I keep going about post-braces, I need to fill you in more on the pre-braces period. The "run-around" that my mom always gave me was her telling me that I would need some of my teeth removed because it looked too crowded (I didn't want to believe it because I am a sucker for pain). There came a time when I was 18 that one of my impacted molars had to come out ASAP! During that procedure my oral surgeon told me that I had 3 other impacted molars which needed to come out. But since I was awake for the one molar removed, the pressure was too excrutiating to bear again 3 more times! Which led me to waiting 4 years before I removed the other 3. Now I had a friend who had braces and seeing him with those inspired me to go ahead and get them. Before I went to get an orthodontic consultation for braces I decided to take the liberty of removing the last 3 molars but under the condition that I was asleep to removed them all at the same time! (Boy was I a mess $200 later, and bed ridden for nearly 2 weeks). After I awoke from my extraction surgery I asked the technician how long would I have to wait before I can get my braces, and when she told me only about a week, I was thrilled! *Note: I had my surgery done 12/16/09*
The day that I went to get information on braces was the same day that I got them, and with them more bad news for me; I needed to have 4 of my permanant teeth removed because there was crowding. Being that I was tired of being on medications (for the pain from my surgery, and the pain from the soreness of the braces), I decided to put off the extra extractions for a month or two. When I went to my next several adjustments the doctor stressed the fact that I needed to remove them ASAP otherwise I will delay my treatment. In March I decided to go ahead and get the extractions done (that was hell, because I was AWAKE for all four of them at the same time!)
Since march I have gotten one ring around my top left second to last molar, power chains on top and bottom(08/16/10), and elastics to correct a class 3 underbite (08/16/10). The power chains are to close the gaps (obviously) from my four extractions. Here are some photos from my current adjustment that I got yesterday, to the first day that I got braces. P.S. the power chains left my mouth incredibly sore this morning!
Note* I missed one adjustment (in June), because I was out-of-state.
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